Street:SYNKOLA, s.r.o.Mlynská dolina CH-2 SK-842 15 Bratislava Slovakia
About us
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SYNKOLA, Ltd. was founded on the 1st January 1991 in Bratislava by three partners. They have long-time and international experience in the area of organic substance synthesis and especially in the area of biologically active substances and chemical specialties. They are authors of more than 200 scientific publications and more than 150 patents; many of them have been realized in technical praxis. Nowadays, the organization employs 14 top chemists with Ph.D. qualification, who have graduated post-doctoral and other fellowships at prominent foreign universities and institutes – especially in Switzerland (ETH Zurich), in the USA, France, Canada, Sweden, etc.
SYNKOLA is located in Comenius University campus and takes advantages of following analytic equipment GC-MS, LC-MS, 300MHz NMR, FT-IR. Laboratories are equipped with Parr autoclave and all other necessary equipment for each kind of organic synthesis. There are available also equipments with microwave radiation.